My thoughts on lockdown as a teacher...... and personally

Well it continues to be an interesting time for all.

Schools are not buildings currently. We continue to inspire and work with learners to help them achieve their learning goals but now we are doing it from afar - It might be through video conferencing, phone conferencing, blogging, emails, class websites or school websites. It is a strange time but I am just so glad that I live and work in a technology age where all of this is possible.

I have always loved my job. I love who I work with, who I teach, who I inspire. I just love the whole aspect of teaching. Each day, week, month, term, and year that I have taught has always had its ups and downs, but yet the love for the job still remains.

I was doing some person reflection on this week and a quote continued to pop into my head.

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." 
Henry Ford

and for some reason this gif came to mind 

I have seen that so much during this "new normal" time. I have seen families come together and are stronger for it. I have seen friends become stronger, now making time to do a digital catch up. I have seen people taking time for themselves, if it be a bike or a walk (in their own area). I feel people will come out stronger for it.

As for education I feel it has been powerful to see families working together with their learning. I got a fantastic email today from one of my parents who had spent the day making burger buns and patties for a family dinner tonight. I have received videos of families doing obstacle courses. 

I know we can look at this situation with a negative but I am choosing the positive.

I hope everyone is safe in their bubbles - working together we WILL find success.
